Advanced Info Service Plc (AIS) or "AIS" is the "Digital Life Service Provider" which consists of three core businesses namely mobile, fixed broadband, and digital service. In this 26th year of mobile service, AIS has maintained its leading position with 48% revenue market share and is serving 40.6 million subscribers nationwide. AIS has 4G/3G/2G networks, covering 98% of populations at the end of 2016.In 2015, AIS started a new fixed broadband business through a pure fiber optic network under the brand ‘AIS Fibre'. As of 1Q17, AIS Fibre had 373,900 subscribers with service coverage of 5.2mn homepass in 28 provinces. Striving to become a significant player in the next 3 years, we continue to expand our business and build stronger operational foundation.The last part of AIS' core business is digital service, focusing on 5 key areas; video, game, mobile banking, cloud and M2M. For video service, AIS developed AIS PLAY, a video-content mobile application and AIS PLAYBOX, which is a set top box for home entertainment via AIS Fibre.AIS' subsidiaries operate various telecommunications related businesses including domestic mobile service, international direct dialing services, and international roaming services etc.