S&T Consulting Hungary Ltd. offers consulting in Information Technology, delivery and integration of IT Solutions as well as customization in development. As Hungarian subsidiary of S&T Group, S&T Consulting Hungary Ltd. has more than 25 years of experience on the domestic and international IT service provider market. Our portfolio incorporates various Business Management Software and Service Solutions, Industrial Product-Lifecycle Management Systems, IT Infrastructure Solutions (networking, server- and storage systems, and virtualization) as well as IT Security Solutions. Our solutions can be provided both on private infrastructure and on public cloud as well, thereby supporting the creation of Hybrid IT. With the help of our own development capacity and specially designed framework, we are able to migrate any corporate process quickly, securely and effectively into mobile environment.We provide fully comprehensive and effective solutions to meet your Business Goals! Our clients are Hungarian and international large and medium-sized companies, primarily from financial, telecommunication, industrial together with public utility sector.