Jiwon Yoon

Sales and Partner Management at MindKey - N/A, N/A, DK

Jiwon Yoon's Contact Details
Hong Kong,Hong Kong
Jiwon Yoon's Company Details
MindKey logo, MindKey contact details


N/A, N/A, DK • 20 - 49 Employees
Professional Services software

MindKey er et komplet integreret HR og Talent Management system med understøttelse af alle HR processer fra rekruttering til afvikling af medarbejdere.Med MindKey får HR funktionen et professionelt værktøj, som kan implementeres gradvist og styrke HR funktionens serviceniveau og position som strategisk partner for ledelsen.MindKey er kendetegnet ved et elegant og brugervenligt interface, der er flot og indbydende at se på og en fornøjelse at anvende.MindKey kan afvikles i skyen eller installeres hos kunden selv.

Details about MindKey
Frequently Asked Questions about Jiwon Yoon
Jiwon Yoon currently works for MindKey.
Jiwon Yoon's role at MindKey is Sales and Partner Management.
Jiwon Yoon's email address is ***@mindkey.com. To view Jiwon Yoon's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Jiwon Yoon works in the Information Technology & Services industry.
Jiwon Yoon's colleagues at MindKey are Ammar Zaidi, Varun Gupta, Serhiy Serhiyh, Alexander Gudnitz, Sune Keller, Samuel Jonassen, Henrik Povlsen and others.
Jiwon Yoon's phone number is N/A
See more information about Jiwon Yoon