Interdenominational InclusiveRenovaré USA Inspired - Bible BasedChristian ChurchWe are an Inclusive Christian Church, welcoming all with the love of Jesus Christ into our life, leadership, ministry, community, worship, rites, sacraments, responsibilities, commitments and blessings; including lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, heterosexual, and all other regardless of race, age, gender expression or identity, marital standing, family structure, socioeconomic status, profession, nationality, mental abilities, or physical Vision:Celebration, Connections, Community, Commitment, CareWe make a Commitment to Godthrough saving faith in Jesus Christ.We demonstrate this commitmentthrough the prayers, presence giftsand service we share throughLiving Mosaic : Montrose church.We develop Connections with otherfollowers of Jesus to encourage,strengthen and grow inChristian Spiritual formation.Through the power of the Holy Spiritwe worship God by serving the needsof the Community at home, work,church and wherever we goin the world.401 Branard St.Houston, Tx 77006Phone 832-971-0354Website http://www.livingmosaic.cc