Since 1986, Jayne Products has been a formulator and manufacturer of environmentally compliant cleaners and degreasers for high volume industrial users. Our products are safe, non-hazardous, non-flammable, biodegradable, and do not contain phosphates.Conveniently located in Carson, California, we provide the highest quality standard and customized products at a minimum cost. We have an R&D and QC laboratory that performs comprehensive product development and testing to ensure that all of our products meet both our quality standards and the customers' needs.Jayne Products, Inc. is focused on the oil industry where we supply specialty cleaning products and technical assistance for the clean-up process in refineries, including project management and expert consultation. These products have evolved from the experience gained in hundreds of refinery and petrochemical plant turnarounds. Jayne Products, Inc. also provides cleaning chemicals to various industrial users such as transit authorities, printing presses, car washes, warehouses, theme parks, carpet cleaners, restaurants, food processing plants, and bottling facilities. We also have a product which rids of scale, which includes struvite, vivianite, marine buildup, rust, as well as being able to clean glass or, www.struvite.infoNo matter what your cleaning needs may be, we will help determine the right product for you. Jayne Products will get the job done Cleaner, Quicker. Greener.