North Pennines Training is a provider of health, safety and emergency action training. We have a particular focus on provision of training for rural businesses and those people working in higher risk or remote environments.All delivery is undertaken by staff who are both skilled trainers and who have relevant workplace experience.Training is delivered nationwide and is available at your own site or third party premises.We work across 4 main areas:First Aid TrainingHealth & Safety Training Technical SupportConsultancyFIRST AID TRAININGFirst Aid at Work (18hr)First Aid at Work -Requalification (12hr)Emergency First Aid at Work (6hr)Outdoor First Aid (16hr)Paediatric First Aid (12hr)HEALTH & SAFETY TRAININGFire Awareness (Fire Warden)Fire Extinguisher Health & Safety in the WorkplaceManual HandlingWork at Height AwarenessConfined Space AwarenessTECHNICAL SUPPORTFirst Aid CoverCONSULTANCY Training Course Design