Blair Realty Group (BRG) is a real estate company that specializes in the Central Florida market. Blair Realty Group was formed with customers in mind. We make the customers experience and satisfaction our number one priority. Our experienced and licensed sales agents specializes in the purchase and sales of residential property, striving to satisfy all of your real estate needs in a timely and flexible manner. We guarantee dedicated service and personal attention to your requests, from the first contact to the signing of your purchase and beyond.We are experienced professionals who expedite our clients' need with the utmost priority and urgency. We offer each client personalized attention with a proactive approach to any unforeseen challenges that could delay any part of the procedure. Our extensive knowledge of the real estate market empowers us with crucial marketing data especially suited for the benefit of our clients in their decision process. We recommend reputable vendors such as mortgage lenders, title companies, home & pest inspectors etc. As BRG agents, we do whatever it takes to professionally guide our customers to a smooth closing.