Dutch Translation Services, an FMJ Business Services LLC company, provides professional translation & interpretation services to businesses and consumers. We translate/interpret from Dutch-to-English and English-to-Dutch and the work is performed by native bilingual persons with an ILR Level 5 proficiency.Services are provided by experienced individuals who are natively fluent in both Dutch and English. Areas of expertise include engineering, business, marketing, websites, mobile apps, finance, legal, medical, and more.It does not matter whether your need is large or small. Dutch Translation Services is here to assist you with your translation needs. From professional documents to individual documents such as birth and death certificates, marriage certificates, divorce decrees, diplomas, transcripts, and any other document.BUSINESS– Engineering documents including prints and drawings– General business letters– Prospectuses– Brochures– Internal memos– Marketing materials– WebsitesDOCUMENTS– Marriage certificates– Birth certificates– Death certificates– Degree certificates and other qualifications– Academic transcripts– Divorce papers– Visa documents– Property paperwork– Medical reports and records– Police documents– Immigration-related documents and any other legal documentLEGAL TRANSLATIONS– Patents and copyrights– Banking and Financial Law– Contracts– Insurance Policies– Political Science– Immigration– Power of Attorney– Court proceedings– Appeal preparations– Summons– Complaints– BylawsFINANCIAL– International Trade– Shipping and Maritime– Economics and Finance– Annual reports– Personal income statements– Financial statements– Banking– Real EstateMARKETING– Marketing– Travel and Tourism– AdvertisingTOURISM– Tourist and visitor guides,– Brochures, magazines, websites, newspaper and web articles,– Online booking forms, offline and online advertising and marketing materials,– Visa applications and documenta