The Alpha School is a community primary school, encompassing our values and vision. Our uniqueness is our value system, our enrichment and our philosophy that "all children can learn and that all children can succeed". This is the centre of our core values. Exposed to the right opportunities and environment all learners are capable of attaining high outcomes. We work towards standards of positive behaviour based on our strong value education permeating our curriculum and all activities conducted in the school. The formal curriculum will be based on the National Curriculum of England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Most crucially our home school partnership is strong, parents are given opportunities to be involved in the school community via consultation, governance and social events. Also encouraged by a virtual environment with up to date information on each students progress and home learning support. From the outset our school will focus on ensuring that all learners will be inspired and help to be visionary individuals and potential leaders of the future. Innovation is key, but this should be engendered by the learning environment. We should ‘go where the students are'. Reaching learners through the channels which they already using. Our school is all inclusive and believes intrinsically that all students can learn.