Joanna Flynn-Caraway's Company Details
Dripping Springs, TX, US • >10000 Employees
HHS is a support service provider helping our customers build a better experience for the people they serve.What are support services? Simply put, they are services such as housekeeping, food service, facilities management, and more. These departments are outside of your organization's core expertise but are still a vital part of the experience people have with you.Who do we serve?We serve hospitals, senior living communities, colleges and universities, resorts, casinos, airports, airlines, and government and military organizations.
Environmental Services
EVS Management
Culinary Nutrition Solutions
Transportation Management
Patient Throughput
Linen Management
Asset Management
EVS Training
Integrated Facilities Management
Clinical and Biomedical Engineering
Hospital Decomminissioning
Culinary & Nutrition
Laundry & Linen Management
Clinical & Biomedical Engineering
Senior Living
Culinary & Nutrition
Laundry & Linen Management
Clinical & Biomedical Engineering
cabin cleaning
passenger services
support services
Specialty Hospitals
Except Psychiatric
Hospital & Health Care
Health Care Services Hospitals
Health Care