START PAC is a family owned American company based in Las Vegas, created in 1997 by a passionate engineer/pilot and a visionary business woman. Since the company's creation and on a worldwide scale, the START PAC team has been designing, manufacturing, selling and supporting the most efficient, reliable, powerful and cost-effective line of ground support equipment in the world. The START PAC line of portable and mobile ground power units (GPU) are for powering aircraft and jump starting any type of heavy duty engines, from small piston engines to the most powerful turbine engines.The START PAC extensive product line is capable of satisfying any customer's need, from the world's most compact and lightweight ground power units through to autonomous self-propelled diesel-electric hybrid units. Visit our website at to learn more about the START PAC extensive range, applicable to various sector such as aviation, locomotives, trucks & buses, military, construction & mining equipment or any other type of industry using heavy duty engines.In addition to providing customers with superior products, START PAC offers equally superior customer support and enjoy sharing its extensive knowledge on heavy duty engine starting, providing customers with well-informed product recommendations.START PAC fundamental core values are: PEOPLE CARING, INNOVATION, QUALITY, PASSION and ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION.Everyone at START PAC fully embraces the company culture of high quality and is passionate about the products and the industries it serves. This motivation and dedication allows START PAC to lead the way in the most up-to-date and safest technology available and provides superior support after the sale. START PAC is an ISO 9001 certified company.