Beverly Hills, California based 21st Century Formulations is leading the way in dry skin care with the creation of their shielding lotion line, Skin MD Natural. Shielding lotions are a new concept in skin care that have been tested and proven to be unlike anything else on the market. A study found that shielding lotions increased in its ability over time to attract and retain moisture in the deeper layers of skin, when other products actually decreased in functionality. Skin MD Natural promptly absorbs, transforming the outer layer of skin into a hydrating invisible shield. With its non-toxic, fragrance and colorant free, hypoallergenic formula Skin MD is safe enough to use on the whole familyThe effectiveness of this luxurious lotion and the strength of the company's management commitment and product support have resulted in it becoming one of the fastest growing internationally distributed product companies based in the United States. Skin MD Natural is sold is many fine retail outlets though out the United States including Walgreens, CVS and Giant Eagle. Internationally Skin MD Natural can be found in 8 countries.