When Jo decided to join the Gig Economy in 2010, she had a strong need to remain connected. Karen, the Marketing Manager for Ads24 at the time, jumped at the opportunity to support such an endeavor with knowledge sharing; knowing that freelancers would value access to top professional resources. And thus, a partnership was formed. In no time, several doyens of the industry joined and The Abstract Club launched.10 years on, our support and knowledge sharing continues and our aim is to raise awareness of the treasure of experience and expertise our members have.Our members have worked in media and marketing for decades and have experience across all major industry categories from Automotive, Telecommunications, Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG), Banking, Finance and Insurance to Travel and Tourism and more. They consult to Media and Creative Agencies, Media Owners, Companies and Brands as well as providing solutions to start-ups.Taking on short or long-term, virtual or on-site assignments is what we do.We hold ourselves and our members accountable for delivering on brief, on time and on budget. We understand and value the confidentiality of our clients' businesses and require our members to complete NDAs for all assignments. We provide transparent pricing so that there are no surprises. Our members are committed to continuous development and learning, keeping abreast of industry innovations and trends.We care for our community and support each other and our clients.