Joao Morgado

Electromecanico at Petrotec - Doha, Al Asimah, Kuwait

Joao Morgado's Contact Details
Joao Morgado's Company Details
Petrotec logo, Petrotec contact details


Doha, Al Asimah, Kuwait • 501 - 1000 Employees
Oil & Energy

Established in 1989, Petrotec is one of the largest providers of products and services to the energy industry in Qatar. With approximately 600 employees representing 31 nationalities, the company maximises every opportunity to promote its activities in the fastest-growing energy sector in the Middle East. Petrotec represents a key selection of world leading manufacturers and service companies. Our clients in Qatar are provided with comprehensive specialised engineering support from our local team to supplement and enhance the links with our suppliers. This close support keeps both our partners and Petrotec ahead of the competition. Our Core Values: - Customers First - Initiative - Team Synergy - Integrity - Performance

Details about Petrotec
Frequently Asked Questions about Joao Morgado
Joao Morgado currently works for Petrotec.
Joao Morgado's role at Petrotec is Electromecanico.
Joao Morgado's email address is *** To view Joao Morgado's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Joao Morgado works in the Oil & Energy industry.
Joao Morgado's colleagues at Petrotec are Hemant Hotmail, Sarah Hassanein, Girish Puranik, Saravana Sekar, Mathew Koshy, Ali Awad, Clifford Lasrado and others.
Joao Morgado's phone number is ["97444441960","44907589/44506833","9744419603","2688114964731472","97440331727","9744419603","97317716151","97444907587/89","97444419603","97444419603","97444419603","96899265519","97444419604","97440331733","0097444419603","9647509212999","97444238649","97444419603","97444419603","97466762034","97444419604","2034248224","97444419603","97440331707","4005260055892494"]
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