The world is witnessing a drastic shift from hailing nerds to cool-dudes and femme-fatales. We're witnessing the sedimentation of a generic mindset to elevate mediocrity and pull everyone around into that den. The accepted dogma has become to go to a college, get a degree, look for a job, buy a Mecerdez and settle. Anyone deviating is declared unfit to play the game of society. [Inter]national research contributions along with substantial developments are decrementing and international citizenry is slipping into a tenebrous of dry lifestyles. The world is getting more people capable of deriving Schrodinger's Equation. But very few capable of inventing their way out of difficulties. State of the Art has been beaten long ago and the ones willing to invent the higher levels are suppressed by low levels of initiatives around and eventually end up with no proper guidance. Hitherto unheard of, Oversight, is a premier network doctored exclusively to connect distinguished and dedicated researchers in respective fields to the upcoming demiurgic researchers. If you are looking for ideas to be proposed, debated, discussed and taken forward for real time implementation, then, Oversight is the most innovative place you can be in. Oversight recognizes the existing stagnancy, biases, ignorant attitudes and lackadaisical operations in the Indian research paradigm guilty of knavery, and therefore, reasons its spawning as to eradicate the same and provide a convenient yet revolutionary platform to connect, ideate, research upon the ideated and change the world into something better every dawn.