Therapeutic Family Life, a Christian-based, private non-profit corporation, places abused, neglected and hurting children in therapeutic placements, which ensure that the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of the children are being served. We accept dependent, abused, neglected, adjudicated, delinquent, maladjusted and hurting children ages from birth through eighteen in our Therapeutic Homes, and Foster Group Homes. Therapeutic Family Life is dedicated to the goal of providing a therapeutic (healing) milieu to help children work though the emotional scars resulting from their physical, sexual and emotional abuse or neglect, as well as their delinquent and maladjusted behavior.We work closely with all state and local agencies and individuals involved in the custody and care of our children. On-going communication is encouraged between our caregivers, staff, teachers, court-appointed special advocates, attorneys ad-litem, guardians, CPS, and JP officers and other interested parties for the betterment of the child. Above all, the child is included in all aspects of treatment planning and each phase of care and rehabilitation.