Our dynamic team at Versa Solutions has two goals: to secure you the collections that you deserve and to give you back the time to practice the art of dentistry. We are able to provide business services to dental clinics remotely resulting in substantial savings to the office. In addition, in house staff will have more time to focus on answering phone calls, greeting patients, planning treatment and so on. Whether it's insurance billing, patient accounting, ledger audits, or insurance etiquette training, we are here to support you and your staff.Our billing specialists are located across the country so your outstanding claims are being researched hours before you open and long after you close. We always remain current and up- to- date with any ADA code modifications, billing policies, and insurance company changes. Our cost-effective method is proven to bring your practice regular cash flow without excessive write-offs and unnecessary overhead. Stop drowning in A/R and watch your collections grow!