Every church has a heart mission and ours is revealed by, "We are a safe place where we take the #journeytogether as a family by knowing God, receiving from God, and doing something for God!." Sunday Mornings at 10:30am! At DirectionChurch we want to:Mentor people in their relationship with God by evangelizing new converts and making disciples of them by explaining the truths of God's word and how it applies to our life today;Give people a place where their gifts can be used to impact someone else for the Kingdom of God, which allows for more of God in their own lives (Luke 6:38);Empower people to become what God has created them to be through mentoring in practical, emotional, and educational areas. For example, training people who have a heart for business and financial understanding, learning English as a second language, and providing support groups for those facing similar challenges in life;Provide families with strong children's, teenager, college ministries, as well as single-adult and married programs. We also will have common interest groups so people will have a place to build lasting relationships with their church family;Offer practical help by assisting with food and clothing;Future: We can see a future daycare and Christian school connected to Direction Church as well.