The SDG Policy Initiative (SDGPI) is housed within UC San Diego's School of Global Policy and Strategy which is at the forefront of interdisciplinary research critical to the UN 2030 Agenda. SDGPI brings together researchers from the school and policymakers at all levels of government using the Sustainable Development Goals as a framework to inform evidence-based solutions for a sustainable future. We leverage the global salience of the SDGs to showcase the wide range of faculty research, centers, and projects at the School of Global Policy and Strategy. Additionally, the Initiative is engaged in a number of programs that put the SDGs into action to guide and measure progress at all levels of government. From contributing to a decarbonization policy plan for San Diego to working with the government of Paraguay on implementing the SDGs as a framework for sustainable growth, to designing sustainable land-use tools for Mexico and the United States, the SDG Policy Initiative is working to help achieve the ambitious goals of the SDGs with evidence-based solutions.