TheMatchGroup is your factory direct source for the highest quality branded matchboxes, matchbooks and table top promotional paper products.We offer low factory direct prices with the fastest turnaround on our most popular paper matchbooks and wooden matchboxes that are proudly Made in the USA. Our specialty is producing branded advertising paper matchbooks and boxed wooden matches as well as, the highest quality longer 4" matches for use to light candles and cigars.We're proud to announce our exclusive range of RETRO "Feature" Matchbooks w/ Individually Printed Paper Match Stems as well as, our RETRO "Giant" Style 3" Tall Matchbook! In addition to our range of matchbooks & boxes for you to customize to promote your restaurant, hotel, nightclub, retail or service business, candle company or tobacco shop, we also produce pulp board and soft multiply cellulose beverage COASTERS, cocktail & dinner NAPKINS, air laid rest room HAND TOWELS, TOOTHPICKS, 'Euro' style SUGAR STICK PACKETS, BREATH MINTS, STICKERS, BUTTER RAMEKIN COVERS KRAFT PAPER BAGS as well as, CIGAR CUTTERS and PENS. Visit us at, Call us at 800.605.733, or email at: to get in touch with our expert 'match makers' to assist you in designing your business' custom promotional match or paper products!