Licensed Realtor at Michigan 1st Realty at 1st Michigan Realty LLC - West Bloomfield, MI, US
Established in 2014, 1st Michigan Realty is a real estate brokerage that is focused on data driven strategies and processes to empower agent help our clients to make the best decision. Those transparent process ensure a great buy/sell experience along with the smartest tools built by the brightest mind across engineering, design and data scientists. 1st Michigan Realty/ 壹密房产是 于2014年成立,在密西根州注册的房地产中介(经纪)公司 。致力于为客户提供民用和商业房产一站式专业服务。大部分公司成员和客户有着相似的留学、移民背景和经历; 做事严谨、专业负责;熟悉密西根法律法规和文化习俗; 是客观有效的咨询和高品质服务的有力保证。 随着密西根的发展,我们从普及密西根州房地产知识开始,以数据为基础,为每位客户提供专业、客观、有效的咨询和服务。 1st Michigan Realty is a member of National Realtor Association (NAR), Michigan Realtor Association (MAR) and Michigan Commercial Board of REALTORS® (CBOR)