The idea behind Author Builder was inspired by my wife, Patty Anne. She is an aspiring author and wanted to make a website to start blogging and build a following.I started looking into the various big-name website builder options, and quickly realized nothing was a good one-stop-shop for authors. No matter what option was chosen, you would need to set up multiple accounts on different websites.After spending way too much time looking at the different plugins, addons, themes, premium themes, mailing services, etc., I decided I didn't like any of the options. Learning to code over the past few years had been fun, so why not try to make my wife her own custom website?After getting blog posts, book pages, and an about page set up for her, I started adding some more features such as email, SEO, and analytics. My wife's website started changing from a project just for her to something other authors and writers might find beneficial.What was the goal of this new website? Help authors create a website and build a following. And thus, Author Builder was born.