Office Administrator at COUNCIL OF HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS of the Czech Republic - , ,
The Council of Higher Education Institutions of the Czech Republic is a representative body of higher education institutions. It has been established as a result of a common agreement of all higher education institutions in the Czech Republic, and its status is based on Act No. 111/1998 Coll. (the Higher Education Act of the Czech Republic, Article 92).1. Introductory wordsThe Council of Higher Education Institutions of the Czech Republic consists of members of academic communities (including academic staff members and students) of higher education institutions (university type as well as non-university type), delegated by their representative academic bodies, such as the academic senates.In general, as it is expressed in the Act, the Minister and the representatives of higher education institutions (the Council of Higher Education Institutions and Czech Rectors Conference) discuss proposals and measures that have a significant impact on higher education institutions.Pursuant to the Act, the Council of Higher Education Institutions and Czech Rectors Conference, as the representatives of higher education institutions, submit recommendations regarding the composition of the Accreditation Commission to the Minister.The internal regulations describing the institution, activities and procedures of the Council of Higher Education Institutions of the Czech Republic are defined in the Statute of the Council of Higher Education Institutions.