We are pleased to announce the launch of MP Powertech, a Minority-Woman Owned Manufacturer's Representative Firm, bringing Quality Critical Power Protection Equipment into the NYC/NJ Data Center Market place. We offer a complete line of quality Power Protection, distribution and monitoring equipment from Pole to Plug. Experienced Principals in the firm are Jennifer McDevitt – President (30years), Matt McDevitt – VP Operations (32 years), Joe Prudente – VP sales (44 years). Mike Farber brings 35 years' experience as our Senior Applications / Inside Sales Engineer.MP Powertech proudly represents the following quality manufacturers: Toshiba UPS and LI Batteries; E&I Engineering Switchgear, Paralleling Switchgear and Busway; Layer Zero STS's/PDU's/RPP's; LEA/Transtector TVSS-SPD; Staco Emergency Lighting Inverters/Mitigation Products, PowerShield Battery Monitoring and PowerLOK Power Distribution Units. We are also representing Vision Technologies across the country, a leader in white space build out, including: fiber and cable, racks, conveyance systems, ISP OSP fiber install/splicing, security systems, AV systems, Mobility (DAS), Pro-Services (smart-hands), Data Center relocations and much more. We are also a Master Distributor for Janitza Power Quality and Energy Metering as well as an Authorized Distributor for Powersmiths Energy Efficient Transformers and PDU's and Thomson ATS's, load banks. Additionally, through strategic alliances with our partner vendors, we provide comprehensive service and support programs that complement our broad product offering, such as Infrared Scanning, Load Analysis, Short Circuit/Coordination Studies, ARC Flash Studies, Power Quality Studies, Project Management, UPS/Battery maintenance/replacements/upgrades, Remote Monitoring, Emergency Service and Service Agreements on all MP Powertech products. Please feel free to browse our website at www.mppowertech.com, or contact us @ 908-838-9150 or Video conference,