Joe Starck

President at The Great Lakes Group - Cleveland, OH, US

Joe Starck's Contact Details
Cleveland,Ohio,United States
The Great Lakes Group
Joe Starck's Company Details
The Great Lakes Group logo, The Great Lakes Group contact details

The Great Lakes Group

Cleveland, OH, US • 100 - 249 Employees

The Great Lakes Towing Company is the largest U.S.-flag tugboat company on the Great Lakes and provides services such as local harbor towing, docking and undocking, interport towing of vessels and barges, icebreaking, as well as rescue and assistance to grounded or damaged ships with a fleet of nearly forty tugboats stationed throughout U.S. Great Lakes ports.Great Lakes Shipyard, a division of The Great Lakes Towing Company, operates a full-service shipyard in Cleveland, OH with a 900-ton Marine Travelift and specializes in construction and repair of tugboat and barges, science vessels, supply boats, ferries, excursion vessels, dinner boats, large yachts, and off-site topside work of every kind. The Great Lakes Group is a full-service marine transportation company headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio. The Great Lakes Group is the parent Company to The Great Lakes Towing Company, Great Lakes Shipyard, and Soo Linehandling Services.

Harbor Assist Cargo Transportation Ice Breaking Emergency Assistance New Construction Fabrication Truckable Workboats 24/7/365 Emergency Repair Winter Work Layup Towing Marine Travelift Maintenance & Repairs Barges Maintenance & Repairs Transportation Boatbuilding and Repairing Maritime
Details about The Great Lakes Group
Frequently Asked Questions about Joe Starck
Joe Starck currently works for The Great Lakes Towing Company / Great Lakes Shipyard.
Joe Starck's role at The Great Lakes Towing Company / Great Lakes Shipyard is President.
Joe Starck's email address is *** To view Joe Starck's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Joe Starck works in the Maritime industry.
Joe Starck's colleagues at The Great Lakes Group are Jay Downen, Jeffery Stabler, Mathew Swancer, Omar Ishmael, Aidan Hall, Scotty Rosseel, Pete Pelzman and others.
Joe Starck's phone number is 216-621-4854
See more information about Joe Starck