I have been told that Michael dropped out of college (the rest of this I KNOW to be TRUE) ...after which he moved to Flagstaff, AZ to pursue his LIFE LONG AMBITION to become a BAR TENDER/asst. bar manager, positions he held (with one short lived exception) until we lent the two of them enough money to obtain a AZ State Liquor License, the equipment, inventory and money to live on so they could open their own bar.Natalie never completed High School, she left South Africa after what we would call her Sophomore year, to become a waitress.After they FAILED MISERABLY with their own bar and declared bankruptcy, screwing as many people and businesses as they could on their way down, they fled to CA where Michael attempted to earn a living by selling water purifiers. He got into the remodeling business with ZERO EXPERIENCE after someone was kind enough to give him a job reselling remodeling services when the water purifier company refused to pay him. Michael then STOLE some or all of the customers he had secured as an employee and opened his own company PEGASUS REMODELING, even though he knew nothing about remodeling. In fact, based on my observations, he didn't even know which end of a hammer was the business-end.WHO KNOWS how many others they have already ripped off or are planning to screw next, THE REST IS HISTORY IN THE MAKING!#Pegasus #pegasusremodeling #pegasusremodelinginc #michaeldavidson #nataliedavidson #bankruptcy #fraud #theft #orangecounty #orangecountyca #mikedavidson #natdavidson #remodeling #homeimprovement #kitchens #OCRemodel #OCConstruction #OCInterior #oc #kitchen #kitchen #bathroom #bathrooms