Since the enforcement of the Affordable Care Act, medical practices often change the insurance plans they accept. As well, with the continuous rise of insurance premiums, deductibles and co-pays, individuals and families must change plans each year. Finding the right medical professional is often frustrating and time consuming. Healthseeker is committed to matching our Top Doctors and patients together by location, specialty and insurance plans. Millions of people browse the internet every year to find care providers for their families and are often left frustrated by incomplete searches. HealthSeeker is the answer. Visitors to the site do not need to create a patient profile requiring a sign up. They are free to search quick and easy and find our listed medical providers by their location, specialty, and most importantly, by the insurance plans accepted by our physicians.If you are a medical provider and would like to register, please visit the and click on "Provider Sign Up". Registration is quick and easy. The page is designed using the most up to date SEO (Search Engine Optimization) coding. However, we will not just rely on internet searches to reach the health seeking public. Through strategic SEM (Search Engine Marketing), HealthSeeker will be active in bringing visitors to the site. If you are a patient and looking to find a medical professional that meets your health needs, we hope you will find the page easy and useful. While the page is new, please keep checking in as we intend on adding new members on a regular basis. On behalf of the HealthSeeker staff, we thank you and wish you the best of luck meeting your health care needs.