Dignity plc is a British company that has funeral homes and crematoria in towns and cities across the UK. The business also has a strong market presence in pre-arranged funeral plans. Dignity strives to set the highest standards for the funeral profession in terms of client service and care for the deceased and helps people through one of the worst times in their lives with compassion, respect, openness and care. Dignity funeral directors have a rich heritage with the oldest Dignity funeral home established in 1812 and the majority of their businesses have been serving their local community for generations. Dignity funeral directors and arrangers come from the cities and towns they serve or families that have been in the funeral profession for generations. This means they understand local traditions and can help their clients every step of the way from registering the death to explaining all the options so that families can have the service they want for their loved one. Dignity crematoria and cemeteries are a place of beauty and tranquillity where people can remember their loved ones. Staff at Dignity crematoria take great care to ensure they understand the funeral director’s instructions and will do everything they can to carry out the client’s wishes.