Eden James Consulting is an insurance specialist recruitment business dedicated to recruiting for mid to senior level appointments in the London and Regional markets on both an Executive Search and Contingency Search basis.What Makes Us Different?-24 step Search recruitment process;This really sets us apart from the competition. We employ a tried and tested head hunt process to attract top talent in the market, rather than sourcing the best of active job seekers. Resulting in a much higher "interview to placement" and "Offer to Acceptance" ratios. -Insurance industry Experts;Over 10 years specifically serving the Insurance Recruitment industry. we don't try to be everything to everybody. We are the experts in this market.-Access to the best in the industry;Because we know the insurance industry so well, we make it our business to hear about the best individuals, the up and coming, the market.Our service is friendly, professional, open, honest and confidential. Our expert team are ready to help you with your next big role. Get in touch today and find out how we can best fulfil your requirement.