Corinth Church is a community of faith that worships God because we just can't help it. Our worship comes in many forms. The most common and visible acts of worship are those times when we gather together each Sunday at 9:00 a.m. and at 11:11 a.m. We worship through study and discussion in Christian Education for all ages during the time between the two Sunday services and in several small groups that meet at different times during the weeks and months. Our large youth group and children's ministry worship through learning, friendship, and service each week. Compassionate service is a vital part of the worship life of Corinth Church too. We are dedicated to reaching out with Christ's love to those who are looking for answers and those who are looking for help. We host a vital ministry of food provision in our Storehouse Ministries and we have offered solid fundamental education and preparation through our Step Ahead Preschool for over 35 years. At Corinth Church we strive to be fruitful for God's glory in the following ways: Radical Hospitality; Passionate Worship; Intentional Faith Development; Risk-Taking Mission and Service, and Extravagant Generosity.