Innovation Consulting on Products and Electronics R&D Outsourcing (Hardware / Firmware / Software). With the aim of helping to Innovate in the Value Proposition and the Business Models of traditional industries, evolving current products into other Smart ones or creating new solutions more productive. Applying state-of-the-art technology in IoT, analog HW and digital HW / FW / SW, I am mainly focused to help to define, develop, industrialize or manage the value chain of new products for sectors like the Electrical (electrical equipment manufacturers, electromobility, energy efficiency), Industry 4.0, Smart Cities, eHealth, Smart Agriculture, Automotive or Aeronautical. Always with the aim of achieving reliable, quality products that could add value and cost savings to companies. Within the tasks of Innovation Consulting, I can assist in the preparation of technical reports or in the development or management of those projects focused to get public aid, such as those related to CDTi or the NextGeneration EU Funds.Other services that I offer are the help and support to Startups for the industrialization of new products, tasks of Project Management and also services of Interim Management, where I would like to emphasize the services like CTO, Innovation Manager, Technical Manager, Electronics Manager, Hardware Manager or R&D Manager.