Here at Musiconnect we are working to transform the music world. Everything we do is driven with a focus around musicians and their needs. We are building a community of musicians from all different backgrounds from all over the world. All platforms offer exposure you can buy likes, followers, fake metrics, and keep spending money on various social medias. Youtube is great but the stars have to align and it requires so much luck just to be seen by the right person. At Musiconnect we are putting an end to the pay to play tactics that have taken over the music industry specifically with the dawn of these social platforms. We believe it's about meaningful connections quality over quantity is a pillar of our business ethos.We have created the Musiconnect app which connects you to the people who really matter, and more importantly our app lets you filter to decide who those people are! After you download we have a very simple set-up you either sign up as a Fan, Manager, Venue, Producer, or Musician all of which have some slightly unique features designated to benefit each prospective account type. Then we will verify you are who you say you are and you are ready to get connected. Musiconnect aims to take the luck out of becoming a successful musician, and give the music industry a simple easy way to connect with one another without having to jump through hoops!