The IEEE Robotics and Automation Society is a professional society of the IEEE that supports the development and the exchange of scientific knowledge in the fields of robotics and automation, including applied and theoretical issues and for the maintenance of high professional standards among its members, all in consonance with the Constitution and Bylaws of the IEEE and with special attention to such aims within the Field of Interest of the Society.Our Mission is to foster the development and facilitate the exchange of scientific and technological knowledge in Robotics and Automation that benefits members, the profession and humanity.Our Vision is to be the most recognized and respected global organization in Robotics and Automation. Being the first society of IEEE to be established in GECBH, the Robotics and Automation Society has been an inspiration to the formation of the other societies. The RAS Chapter at GECBH has been successful in creating knowledge and awareness in the fields of Robotics and Automation in the college in the past years.