I.S.T. is a full service provider of technology, equipment, and consumable products for pipeline rehabilitationI.S.T. engineers, manufactures, services, and distributes materials and specialized equipment for the trenchless technology industryI.S.T. sales and service technicians provide expert advice, product and equipment training and certification, and on-site project supervisionROBOTIC POWER CUTTER SYSTEMMulti-function, streamline design, powerful speed controlled carriage, cam-bus, integrated hydraulics, air motor, front and rear cameras, front continuous 360 rotationsLATERAL CONNECTION SYSTEMSProven system with enhanced controller/sealing device, extended packer range, T-WRAP glass/felt top hats and new innovative continuous wrap system, and proprietary resins and epoxiesLATERAL LINER SYSTEMSTraditional and advanced liner technology for permanently rehabilitating lateralsULTRA VIOLET CIPPUV CIPP installation equipment package and glass composite liners, manufactured in the U.S.A.CUSTOM MANUFACTURINGR&D, equipment and consumables for specialized trenchless technology programsI.S.T Services, Inc. is committed to innovation and quality.