Led by Lorenzo Thione, Jay Kuo, and Joey Monda, Sing Out, Louise! Productions is an entertainment production company specializing in live theatrical productions and stage-to-screen cinema capture and distribution.Lead producer of the Broadway musical and subsequent film of Allegiance starring George Takei and Lea Salonga, based on the true events of Mr. Takei's life. Other Broadway co-productions include Mrs. Doubtfire, The Inheritance, Slave Play, Hadestown (Tony Award), The Cher Show, The New One, Catch Me If You Can (Tony Nomination), and American Idiot. Currently, Sing Out, Louise! is developing and producing Indigo, a new original musical about Emma, a non-verbal teenager with autism, and her challenging experience in adjusting to the most unexpected of circumstances.In addition to our work as Broadway producers, Sing Out, Louise! is a firm advocate for extending and amplifying the brand, reach, and impact of Broadway shows outside of New York through the production and distribution of cinema-quality stage to screen films. Past credits include the record breaking films of the original Broadway productions of Alleg