Johan Myburgh

Depo bestuurder at Sentraal-Suid Co-operative - Swellendam, Western Cape, South Africa

Johan Myburgh's Contact Details
(028) 514-8600
Heidelberg,Western Cape,South Africa
Sentraal-Suid Co-operative
Johan Myburgh's Company Details
Sentraal-Suid Co-operative logo, Sentraal-Suid Co-operative contact details

Sentraal-Suid Co-operative

Swellendam, Western Cape, South Africa • 79 Employees
Food Production

Sentraal - Suid Co-operative Ltd operates in the Southern Cape with its head office located in the picturesque town of Swellendam. The company was founded in 1931 and has been serving its loyal members as a cooperative for more than 80 years. The co-operative form is still the most appropriate form of ownership to promote our members' interests.SSK pursues low input costs, a wide variety of products, services delivery of superior quality and to assist our members in the marketing of their products. This is done through Insurance Branches in Swellendam and Heidelberg, Retail Branches in Swellendam, Heidelberg, Robertson and Karringmelksrivier, complete workshops in Swellendam, Heidelberg and George and grain storage depots in Swellendam, Heidelberg, Karringmelksrivier, Protem and Ashton.SSK's net profit from transactions with members are split proportional to the respective members' qualifying revenue with the Co-operative in the form of bonuses (long-term and cash).SSK's involvement with its subsidiaries and associates is the result of a continued focus to set up businesses in the region-based agricultural value chain. In order to achieve diversification, investments outside the primary agriculture industry are also considered on an on-going basis. SSK finances agricultural input costs and implements at very competitive terms and have a team of agricultural services experts, delivering free agricultural, livestock and financial advice.

Details about Sentraal-Suid Co-operative
Frequently Asked Questions about Johan Myburgh
Johan Myburgh currently works for Sentraal-Suid Co-operative.
Johan Myburgh's role at Sentraal-Suid Co-operative is Depo bestuurder.
Johan Myburgh's email address is *** To view Johan Myburgh's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Johan Myburgh works in the Food Production industry.
Johan Myburgh's colleagues at Sentraal-Suid Co-operative are Henry Isaacs, Francois Smit, Jan Cloete, Annemie Buys, Christo Visser, Dirk Papendorp, Lukas Vuuren and others.
Johan Myburgh's phone number is (028) 514-8600
See more information about Johan Myburgh