Commercial Specialist: Engineering and Construction at Inkampani - Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa
Collective of Engineering & Construction ProfessionalsWe break the paradigm of consulting (by enabling employers, EPC/M and contractors) to access individuals or teams without premiums.Inkampani is not an employer. It is a shared vision to create a channel through which clients are able to hire top freelancing and part time professionals. It's also a platform for knowledge sharing in pursuit of industry excellence. We partner with industry leading service, systems and product providers to ensure clients have the best possible solution at their option and disposal. Our aim is to make skills accessible without the overhead. Key to this is not only unit affordability but more importantly efficiency of execution.Contact details 84 292 7001Highlights of capability -Planning, delay and disruption practitionersSpecialized and independent lawyersContracts administratorsQuantity surveyorsProject managersRisk analystsEngineersWe serve all sectors of the industry, including:NuclearCommercialPetrochemicalPower generationMining and mineralsRoads and earthworksMunicipal infrastructureIndustrial process plantsWater processing and distributionContributors to this forum do not necessarily offer their services here (depending on contractual or employment commitments).