Many customers have asked why Andon Energy Services (AES) decided to fill this need in the market. It started in 1991 when our parent company, Andon Specialties, was modifying Dopak grab samplers for customers and decided to start a grab sampler company of their own called Texas Sampling, Inc. As a result of this, Andon Specialties personnel began to develop in-depth knowledge and skills pertaining to the applications, maintenance and installation of grab samplers. As more customers began to utilize this technology, it became apparent there was an inherent lack of support for grab samplers within the maintenance group that is normally comprised of mechanical, instrument and analytical disciplines. Recognizing that grab samplers did not fit any one of these disciplines, Andon Specialties created AES specifically to help our customers with the design, installation and maintenance of these unique assets. While Texas Sampling was sold to Circor in 2004, grab sampling technology is still a strong intellectual property within Andon Specialties – and subsequently within AES. Today, Andon Energy Services remains entirely focused on specifying, installing and maintaining any type of grab samplers our customers may need. In addition to offering some of the most knowledgeable and experienced grab sampler specialists in the industry, we have developed relationships with a number of top manufacturers and are committed to quality and safety in every project we undertake.