Electric? Internal combustion? There is actually a third way, combining the cleanliness of electric with the low-cost, energy density, and scalability of fuel...fossil or renewable, liquid or gaseous.ZED Engines' revolutionary, patented clean power unit is The World's Only True Gigaton Solution for Carbon Emissions that can replace EVERY internal combustion engine on Earth. That's over 200 million new engines and generators produced each year, and a market growing at a rate of 3-5% annually. Consider that the true environmental impact of any solution must be measured on a full lifecycle basis, i.e. cradle-to-grave. For example, just one freighter carrying lithium ore creates more pollution than 1,000,000 cars. Rapid growth in mining bulldozers, trucks, trains, freighters, and other polluting machinery to meet growing battery demands actually contributes to environmental damage instead of solving it, especially given that known reserves of battery raw materials is insufficient to meet even optimistic near future demand.Instead, how about a revolutionary new power unit capable of a seamless swap with any conventional engine in any vehicle or product? One that would preserve trillions of dollars in engineering and production investment, and prevent the creation of more pollution from building new factories and machines. What if that new engine was made of 100% recycled benign materials, and 100% recycled at end of life, as opposed to the 56 million tons of e-waste dumped annually? (and growing) What about a global solution that requires no government subsidies so that your tax dollars can instead go to education, hospitals and social care?Utilizing current factories, and seamlessly installed in current products as simply as an engine swap, ZED Engines is quick-to-market and less expensive than the engine it replaces, while providing superior environmental performance than battery electric can on a lifecycle basis.Welcome to the future. Today.