Our United Way is working to strengthen our community in partnership with the agencies we support. Our goal is to create long lasting changes that prevent problems from happening in the first place.Our East Texas Center for Nonprofits strives to build healthy nonprofits through its leadership training, coaching, and mentoring nonprofit leaders. You will find a wealth of resources in the funding research library.Our 2-1-1 information and referral services center offers live trained professional assistance 24 hours a day. It's fast, free and confidential. The center is there to help find rent and utility assistance, food, emergency shelters, transportation information and more….United Way funding decisions are made each year by a committee comprised of local volunteers. Committee members invest an average of 40 hours reviewing applications, hearing agency presentations deliberating and allocating donor funds. The committee is also in charge with the oversight of the funded agencies throughout the year ensuring good stewardship of donor funds.We invite you to partner with us. Together, united we can inspire hope, and create opportunities for a better tomorrow. That's what it means to LIVE UNITED.