Help customers achieve their goals by delivering the best quality procurement - and service management services. We are specialized in ICT, varying from tenders to sourcing to setting up an effective procurement organisation. Services are: * Consulting * Interim staff or management * Recruitment * Outsourcing * Software/Hardware/Services benchmarkcontacting * (European) tenders We can count on the appreciation & loyalty of several customers such as: ING Bank, SNSREAAL, Raad voor de rechtspraak, Sociale Zaken Rotterdam, VGZ, Unive, Delta Lloyd, Provincie Zuid-Holland, Provincie Utrecht, gemeente Utrecht, Hearing Comfort Europe, Raad van State, Menzis, Friesland Bank, Evides, Friesland Bank, Eneco, Essent, Albert Schweitzer Ziekenhuis, Shell, KPN, Heineken, Equens, USG People, Kadaster, SsiG, Tauw, ISES, Nashuatec, UNETO-VNI, NIB Capital, Zain (Celtel), Gasterra, Maandag & Inovum.