Not long ago, consumers would Google you, look at your website, read some of your marketing materials, and decide to hop on a call with your sales team.That is not the world we live in anymore.Consumers today expect to see current content about how your solution helps people like them on social media, read articles about how your company is different than every other company, listen to your CEO talk about what she stands for on podcasts, and hear from your clients and their peers about you BEFORE agreeing to engage with your sales team.This makes content and community creation a REQUIREMENT for today's business environment... and we make it all happen for you in just 3 hours per week.Stop wrestling with your webinar. Stop procrastinating on having a weekly podcast. Stop stressing about what to post on social media. Let us create you a Relationship Flywheel that will take care of all those things in 3 hours per week so you can go back to putting your team in positions to win.