EngrRC, LLC is a consulting company focusing on energy and water.We provide energy and water solutions for the little guy, i.e. small businesses that cannot get the technical help they need for their businesses to succeed. Because we care about sustainability of the implemented solutions, we are also involved in training and setting up universities and other education centers.Our services range from feasibility studies to project management. Our business focuses on three segments:1. Energy. -power generation -quantification of hydrocarbon resources2. Sustainability -sustainability of chemical processes. -water treatment -STEM education3. Chemical process – design and optimization of industrial processes.-Sample Projects--Water Treatment-We designed a water treatment system for a mushroom farming initiative in rural Nigeria for 200 women farmers.-STEM University in Senegal-Knowing the importance of STEM education, we helped start a STEM university in Senegal called the Dakar American University of Science and Technology (DAUST.org).-Education Center in Sudan-We are helping create an education center in Sudan with short practical certificate courses that provide marketable skills.