Wealth Advisor Client Relations at IceCap Asset Management Limited - Halifax, Halifax, CA
[IMPORTANT: An investment in any strategy, including the strategy described herein, involves a high degree of risk. There is no guarantee that the investment objective will be achieved. Past performance of these strategies is not necessarily indicative of future results. There is the possibility of loss and all investment involves risk including the loss of principal.]IceCap Asset Management Limited is a Canadian based investment management company that specializes in managing wealth for individuals, institutions, trusts, endowments and charities.We are not owned by any bank, insurance company, nor mutual fund company. Unlike most investment professionals, we do not receive any commissions, rebates, or trailer fees for investing you in mutual funds or other investment products. This is important because it means we are not sales agents for anyone nor influenced to use any family of mutual funds or other products. Our independence allows us to be open minded towards new investment opportunities and never restricts our ability to do what is best for our clients. We embrace our independence. It is our strength and it makes us differentThe world is constantly changing and this provides new investment opportunities and different ways to exceed your investment goals. Our independence and belief that everyone is different, further reinforces our vision of providing unique investment solutions. In addition to the traditional strategies of stocks and bonds, we also consider strategies covering commodities, gold, currencies, and real estate.Our monthly global outlook is a plain language publication that is currently followed by people in over 35 countries. Sample one of our commentaries, you will not be disappointed.