Miller Forensic Consulting, LLC is a multi-displined scientific consulting firm offering an unique interdiscplinary approach to a wide range of litigation and insurance claim support services. For over 30 years our firm has provided litigation support services to the legal and insurance community in simple and complex environmental issues both inside and outside of buildings. These services have included construction defects or building neglect resultng in "sick building syndrom", faulity enviornmental investigations, healthy and safety issues and engineering evaluations. We have extensive experience with PCBs in the built environment. We have provided litigation and insurance claim technical support and expert testimony.We provide environmental consulting in the areas of NPDES permit reviews, technical implementation of Toxicity Identification/Reduction Evaluations (TI/RE), development of site-specific water quality criteria and performance of treatability studies.We offer third party scientific review to verify other consultants work and provide you with confidence in your environmental decision making that may have substancial financial consequences. Areas of expertise:Mold InvestigationsPCBs in Building MaterialsIndoor Air QualityChemistry ( analytical, organic and inorganic)Toxic and Hazardous Chemical EvaluationsEnvironmental MicrobiologyAquatic BiologyHuman and Ecological Risk AssessmentHealthy Home Investigations Services: Claims InvestigationsLitigation SupportExpert TestimonyScientific SupportThird Party Environmental Review