Fact: Many young girls ages 2-7 adore and look up to fairy tale princess characters. Finding: Research shows that young kid's beliefs about their abilities, potential, and self-image are influenced by the characters they look up to in books and other media. Empower: Our Smart Princess Books are twists on classic fairy tales, written by a parent, with positive and empowering messages and characters that help teach self-confidence, growth mindset, reliance, and empathy. These stories not only show the princesses using their brains and solving challenging problems, they also tell the reader directly that they can do it too!Mission: Show any young girl, that they don't need a prince or anyone to rescue them. That they are not limited by their environment or life circumstances and that they can truly be anything they want in life through a growth mindset, self-confidence, reliance, and belief in their abilities. This is what The Smart Princess Series was develop for and this is the driving force behind The Smart Princess Project.Research shows that less than 3% of kids that spent time in foster care will graduate from a 4-year college, with less than half even finishing high school. Kids in that have been homeless or grow up in low income areas also face huge challenges completing higher level education and getting above the poverty line. If you are part of an organization that in some way supports young kids in challenging situations, contact us to discuss ideas on how we can assist you to empower those young kids.