TVE is a West Virginia based corporation providing engineering services to the natural gas industry. We specialize in electrical and automation services. Teays Valley Engineering provides 3 distinct services to our clients. Engineering & DesignField ServicesPanel and Control Building FabricationIn our Teays Valley office, we develop designs for electrical and control systems, specify & procure equipment / instruments, produce AutoCAD drawings and engineering documents, program PLC / HMI / RTU, and build custom control panels.At the job site, we provide our clients with engineers & technicians to perform wire terminations, loop checkout, instrument setup / calibration, programming, and startup / commissioning assistance.With our partner, Raptor Energy Systems, we build fully assembled control buildings to house gas measurement, gas quality, and other electrical / electronic equipment at our St. Albans, WV shop.TVE is your one stop shop for electrical and automation. We can take a project from conceptual design, and follow it all the way through startup / commissioning.