John Hayden

Sr. Nuclear NDE Consultant at Structural Integrity Associates - Huntersville, North Carolina, US

John Hayden's Contact Details
(877) 474-7693
Structural Integrity Associates
John Hayden's Company Details
Structural Integrity Associates logo, Structural Integrity Associates contact details

Structural Integrity Associates

Huntersville, North Carolina, US • 298 Employees

Structural Integrity Associates is the most-trusted provider of proven engineering services for the energy and process industries. Our goal, in everything we do, is to help you and your organization get the most out of your critical components and structures. We provide a broad range of integrated services that help you predict and maximize equipment life, ensure plant and equipment reliability and avert unplanned business interruption. Structural Integrity provides all this and more to ensure your success: Inspection & Monitoring • Conduct Non-Destructive Examination (NDE) using state-of-the-art linear and annular phased array UT, TOFD, Guided Wave, and many other advanced NDE technologies • Develop and implement tooling customized to applications, when needed • Apply technicians certified in accordance with ASNT and other standards’ requirements Materials Evaluations & Testing • Apply the latest field and laboratory testing technologies to identify causes of damage • Implement mitigation measures to prevent reoccurrence of damage • Confirm long-term integrity within context of an asset management program that optimizes NDE scope, cost and value • Employs the laboratory and expertise housed in our Austin, TX Materials Sciences Center Analysis & Planning • Perform stress, fracture mechanics, residual stress, dynamic/non-linear, computational fluid dynamics, and other advanced analyses using Finite Element Analysis methods • Apply verified and validated software tools, including many developed in-house, to support our advanced engineering analyses • Leverage our deep understanding of and leadership in development of industry codes and standard including ASME, ASTM, ASNT, API, and many others • Perform our work under the auspices of documented and routinely audited Quality Assurance programs and, as required, the purview of Professional Engineers. We have offices throughout the U.S., as well as overseas affiliates.

Finite Element Analysis
Details about Structural Integrity Associates
Frequently Asked Questions about John Hayden
John Hayden currently works for Structural Integrity Associates.
John Hayden's role at Structural Integrity Associates is Sr. Nuclear NDE Consultant.
John Hayden's email address is *** To view John Hayden's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
John Hayden works in the Energy industry.
John Hayden's colleagues at Structural Integrity Associates are Noel Lee, Grant Wu, Raoul Gnagne, Zachary Withall, Larry Zipper, Garivalde Dominguez, Minh Tran and others.
John Hayden's phone number is (877) 474-7693
See more information about John Hayden