John Howden

Construction Manager at Flint Hills Resources - Wichita, Kansas, US

John Howden's Contact Details
(316) 828-3477
United States
Flint Hills Resources
John Howden's Company Details

Flint Hills Resources

Wichita, Kansas, US • 2779 Employees

Flint Hills Resources is a leading refining company with operations primarily in the Midwest and Texas. Flint Hill Resources produces essential products that power and improve people’s lives including reliable transportation fuels that keep us moving and chemical building blocks that help to make modern life possible. Based in Wichita, Kansas, Flint Hills Resources is an independent company and wholly owned subsidiary of Koch Industries, Inc., one of the largest private companies in America. According to Forbes magazine, the estimated annual revenues of Koch Industries, Inc. are as high as $100 billion. The company traditionally reinvests 90 percent of earnings back into its businesses ranging from transportation fuels, fertilizers, process and pollution control equipment and technologies, minerals, energy, ranching and more. Learn more about Flint Hills Resources by visiting

Fuel Production Transportation Refineries Energy Producer Petrochemical Fertilizer Process Control Systems Alternative Energy
Details about Flint Hills Resources
Frequently Asked Questions about John Howden
John Howden currently works for Flint Hills Resources.
John Howden's role at Flint Hills Resources is Construction Manager.
John Howden's email address is *** To view John Howden's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
John Howden works in the Energy industry.
John Howden's colleagues at Flint Hills Resources are Rene White, Kevin Sandidge, Edward Yanez, Rodney Hales, Timothy Jordan, Matt Partridge, Roland Pena and others.
John Howden's phone number is (316) 828-3477
See more information about John Howden