Nourish Pierce County (formerly FISH Food Banks of Pierce County) exists to provide a basic human need to those experiencing hunger and food insecurity. As the oldest and largest food bank network in Pierce County, Nourish Pierce County's mission is simple--to provide food to those in need with compassion, dignity and respect. Incorporated in 1982, Nourish Operates seven food banks and two innovative mobile food banks that visit up to ten unique locations each week. Food bank locations are spread throughout the county and chosen strategically based on community need and areas lacking food access. Nourish serves the underemployed, unemployed, children, seniors, active-duty military, veterans, individuals experiencing homelessness, individuals with disabilities, and many hard-working families who are often times just a paycheck away from losing everything. No one in need is ever turned away.Nourish Food Banks are about People.Volunteers, clients, donors, supporters, neighbors, seniors, children, the working poor, loving families.Nourish Food Banks are about Community. The neighborhoods we serve, creating connections within each food bank, a supportive network, the village of volunteers it takes to accomplish monthly food distribution to up to 50,000 people.Nourish Food Banks are about Stories.Transforming lives, supporting each other, clients giving back to the organization that supports them in hard times, the joy on a child's face when she receives a cake and stuffed animal to make her birthday special, hardships and tears, joy and accomplishments.Did you know? More than 94% of funds raised go directly to putting food on the tables of people in need. Thank you for supporting a healthy community and truly caring about your neighbors in need. We are grateful for you, and for your compassionate action.